About Us

The team behind DesignerStairs.com has a total of over 25 years of experience and are amongst the most knowledgeable and experienced people in the “staircase world”.

We have used our considerable experience and expertise to select what we believe to be the best quality kit component staircases within an affordable price range and you will find styling and materials that are of a much higher standard than other kit staircases. We always endeavour to bring you the best staircases on the International market at the best prices. The full range of staircases, including spiral staircases, linear or modular staircases and spacesaving stairs, will be found on our online retail website TheStaircasePeople.co.uk.

The staircases shown here and also in more detail on TheStaircasePeople.co.uk are provided in kit component format, which means that the staircase is supplied to your requirements in component form, delivered quickly and safely direct to your door from the manufacturer. The team here will work with you to ensure that you have the staircase which suits your requirements, is straight forward to install and looks even better then you imagined.

If you would like more information or to discuss your staircase requirements with a member of our knowledgeable and friendly team, please give us a call on 01380 727518 or email help@designerstairs.com